

At Summercourt Academy we recognise that Computing & ICT underpin modern life and the 21st Century economy.

Our Computing intent is that all pupils build a vital confidence, knowledge and understanding of the way technologies work - and how internet-connected systems can be employed - in order to adapt flexibly to rapid change over the coming years.

The National Curriculum's Computing content is used as a starting point for devising our curriculum. The objectives are broken down into manageable, sequenced chunks for children over the six year groups, that widen the scope and reach of the subject to reflect its ever-growing importance in our world.

The map of objectives is framed into three broad strands: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.

Our Aims 
To ensure that all pupils:
  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
In Class 2 pupils (year 1 and 2) identify examples of technology around us and learn to use technology (apps or websites) purposefully to aid their learning. They learn to move a cursor with a mouse or track pad and click on an icon. In this lesson they increased their knowledge and understanding of history - The Great Fire of London. This learning links to the Computing National Curriculum for KS1 -  use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content.
In Class 3, (year 3 and 4) the children use the online coding environment called Scratch to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals. This includes including controlling or simulating physical systems, and solving problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.
In Class 4, (year 5 and 6) the children are introduced to spreadsheets. They learn about what spreadsheets are and what they can be used for. They then practice changing aspects of a spreadsheet, including: font, size and colour, the border of the cells, the width/height of the cells and more. They then further their skills by inputting calculations into the spreadsheet to add together numbers in two different cells.

Summercourt Academy
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