

Our Physical Education intent at Summercourt Academy is to develop pupil’s physical, social and leadership skills, enabling each pupil to excel across the wider curriculum. We believe we can capture pupil interest and enjoyment of PE at an early age, providing outstanding PE lessons, helping to lay the foundations for our pupils to develop healthy and active lifestyles in the long term.

Alongside this we value the importance of pupils developing their swimming skills and ability. We provide swimming opportunities from Year 1 through to year 6 using qualified swimming instructors. Our aim is to provide structured swimming lessons in order to develop confident and competent swimmers, able to meet the National standards.

We provide the pupils with at least two hours of fun, exciting and active PE lessons every week, taught by both the class teacher and Mrs Norton (our PE specialist).

Our PE activities are planned to encourage pupils to develop a positive attitude towards keeping fit and healthy, providing opportunities for them to participate in team activities and to develop their skills through a range of physical activities. All lessons provide a progressive PE curriculum, differentiated appropriately to accelerate development of physical skills and provide challenges to all abilities.

To see how PE is being taught throughout the school, take a look at our year group class pages and their curriculum coverage maps.

Our Aims
To ensure that all pupils:
  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.
Class 1 (EYFS/Year 1) have been working on their Physical Development linked to the EYFS Statutory Framework and KS1 objectives. They apply their gross motor and fine motor skills to use tools during their forest school sessions. They use the gymnastics equipment in the hall to practice their travelling, jumping and balancing skills. They also build on their skills for playground games and social awareness. In the EYFS garden they use the large construction resources to build assault courses and various modes of transport and buildings for their role play. They continue to build their range of yoga balances and can now use a partner for joint yoga poses. 
Class 2 (year 1/2) have completed their gymnastics unit of learning. (Please view the photos below)
During this unit year 1 pupil are taught to:
• explore gymnastic actions and shapes
• explore travelling on benches
• explore movement actions with control, and to link them together with flow
• choose and use simple compositional ideas by creating and performing sequences
• repeat and link combinations of gymnastic actions
• To link combinations of movements and shapes with control.
During this unit year 2 pupils are taught to:
• remember and repeat simple gymnastic actions with control
• balance on isolated parts of the body using the floor and hold balance
• develop a range of gymnastic moves, particularly balancing
• link together several gymnastic actions into a sequence
• explore ways of travelling around on large apparatus
• choose and use a variety of gymnastic actions to make a sequence.
Class 3 (year 3/4) have completed a Physical Education unit of work to continue to develop their knowledge and skills in dance.
Year 3 focussed on:
exploring dance movements and create patterns of movement
• working with a partner to create dance patterns
• performing a dance with rhythm and expression
• using knowledge of dance to create a story in small groups
• developing precision of movement.
• working co-operatively with a group to create a dance piece
• performing in front of others with confidence.
Year 4 focussed on:
• identifying and practising the patterns and actions of chosen dance style
• demonstrating an awareness of the music’s rhythm and phrasing when improvising
• creating an individual dance that reflects the chosen dancing style
• creating partnered dances that reflect the dancing style and applying the key components of dance
• performing dance using a range of movement patterns
• performing and evaluating own and others’ work.
In P.E., Class 4 (year 5 and 6) have been practicing exercises to test their trust and communication with each other. To begin, they sat back-to-back with their arms inter-locked and had to try to stand up together. This proved to be a great challenge for many until they began to improve their communication.
They then proved their trust, as one child was blindfolded and guided around the room by another, trying to avoid bumping into anything or anyone.
As a part of our Physical Education offer to pupils we ensure Summercourt representatives attend sporting events within our cluster group and Trust on a weekly basis. Below is an example of the year 3/4 pupils attending basketball event. A team were sent to compete against 6 other schools in the area. Summercourt were amazing in their gameplay, attitude and sportsmanship and were rewarded at the end of the tournament by coming first overall. Lots of wonderful comments were made to Mrs Norton (PE Specialist Teacher) about the positive nature, play standard and behaviour of the children taken at the end of the event. Mrs Norton even took part in a challenge teachers event with her scoring a net. Well done team SUMMERCOURT!!

Summercourt Academy
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